Recent Publications and Presentations


Wilkinson, A., & Hendriks, N. (2022). Enabling design(ers) through designing for one; establishing empathetic relationships. In P. Rodgers (Ed.), Design for People Living with Dementia. Routledge. 

Wilkinson, A., Stones, C., 2022. Disrupting Design Education through Designing for One: Eleven Variables That Can Extend the Education Experience beyond Practicing Practice. The International Journal of Design Education 16, 175–189.

Wilkinson, A., Lenaerts, L., Hendriks, N., Maldonado Branco, R. (2021). Residue of Interaction: Scaling Participatory Experiences. In: Proceeding_150821.pdf, (489-495). Presented at the Matters of scale: The 9th Nordes Design Research conference, Kolding, Denmark, 15 Aug 2021-18 Aug 2021. (URL) Open Access 

Van Geetsom, N., Wilkinson, F. (2021). Design culture (of) resilience. Space & Service design taxonomy, overcoming undefined space & service design contexts. In: (s)_PROCEEDINGS_full_vol2.pdf: vol. 7 (2), (3264-3281). Presented at the DESIGN CULTURE(S), Rome, Italy, 08 Jun 2021-11 Jun 2021. Alto, Finland. ISBN: 978-952-64-9004-5. (URL) Open Access

Maldonado Branco, R., Hendriks, N., Lenaerts, L., Wilkinson, F. (2021). The Challenges of Creating Design Requirements for Products for People with Dementia. In: R. Brankaert, M. Houben, C. Raber, P. Malcolm, J. Hannan (Eds.), Dementia Lab 2021: Supporting Ability Through Design.: vol. 2, (15-25). Presented at the Dementia Lab, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN: 978-3-030-70292-2. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-70293-9_2

Branco, R. M., Quental, J., & Ribeiro, O. (2020) Materialising personhood: Design-led perspectives. In Kenning, G. & Brankaert, R. (Eds.), HCI and Design in Context of Dementia. Human–Computer Interaction Series, Springer.

Hendriks, N., & Wilkinson, A. (2020a). From participatory design to discursive designs: Involving people with dementia in design to generate design outcomes that stir debate. In R. Mateus-Berr (Ed.), ARTS & DEMENTIA Companion. De Gruyter. (forthcoming) - book section

Hendriks, N., Slegers, K., & Wilkinson, A. (2020). Against dedicated methods: From guidelines to relational expertise in participatory design together with people with dementia. In R. Brankaert & G. Kenning (Eds.), HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia. Springer. - book section

Hendriks, N., & Wilkinson, A. (2020b). The involvement of people with dementia in the design process: A (political) choice to make. In R. Fleming (Ed.), World Alzheimer Report 2020—Dementia and the built environment. Alzheimer’s Disease International. - book section

Dreessen, K., Hendriks, N., Schepers, S., & Wilkinson, A. (2020). Towards reciprocity in Participatory Design processes. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference. ACM. 154–158. - conference paper

Hendriks, N. (2019). The involvement of people with dementia in the design process [KU Leuven]. - doctoral thesis

Hendriks, N., Slegers, K., & Wilkinson, A. (2019). The Relevance of Involving People with Dementia in Design Research. 3–11. Dementia Lab Conference. Springer. - conference paper

Rapp, A., Cena, F., Frauenberger, C., Hendriks, N., & Slegers, K. (2019). Designing Mobile Technologies for Neurodiversity: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 1–5. - conference paper

Branco, R. M., Quental, J., & Ribeiro, O. (2018) Co-creating stories with people with dementia: experiences of using a cards game in familial and institutional settings. In Branco, R. M., Hendriks, N. & Wilkinson, A. (Eds.), Dementia Lab event: Stories from design and research (pp.109–122). Dementia Lab Belgium.

Hendriks, N., Huybrechts, L., Slegers, K., & Wilkinson, A. (2018). Valuing implicit decision-making in participatory design: A relational approach in design with people with dementia. Design Studies, 59, 58–76. - journal article

Hendriks, N., Wilkinson A., Slegers, K. (2018). Ethical challenges when involving people with dementia in the design process. Proceedings of the Dementia Lab Conference 2018. Paper 4. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9936317 - conference article

Hendriks, N., Wilkinson, A., & Maldonado Branco, R. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings of the Dementia Lab Conference - Stories from Design and research. - book

Wilkinson, A., Hendriks, N. (2018). The Dementia Lab; Mixing Design Education and Research. The Fourth Symposium of Education and Social Impact, at CENTRO University, Mexico City, Mexico. - symposium - link

Wilkinson, A. (2018). The residue of interaction: reflecting on the impact of working with real people in design (education) and exploring the potential of designing for one (A workshop). Decipher 2018, AIGA Design Educators Research Conference, University of Michigan, September 27-29, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. - workshop

Branco, R. M., Quental, J., & Ribeiro, O. (2017) Personalised participation: an approach to involve people with dementia and their families in a participatory design project. CoDesign, 13(2), 127–143.